So it has been a while and what a great time I have been having since last I wrote. Where to start.
I have not written because I have become addicted to FB. I have fallen in love. I like documenting our day,vacations and celebrations. The best part is keeping up with friends and connecting to new and old ones. Literally for me :).
I worked at the Bothell Friday Market, between the heat and little traffic I did not do well and the days were long. I decided that the market was not for me and I am going to have to stop playing on the weekend ( not sure I can follow that through) and do the sat and sun markets.
I have been designing new candle holders and cards. Listing once again on etsy. Which means taking pictures. someday maybe I will get the hang of it and have beautiful pictures. Ahhh to dream.
I have worked 4 tens this summer in childcare. I have a wonderful time with the kids and realized I missed mentoring teachers and having meaningful discussions on quality care and what it means for children. Not just writing it down on paper but really practicing it in the classroom.
We had an art show at the end of our quarter together and it was such a trip. Awesome work by 4 and 5 year olds, the pride they had in what they had created. The pics I took did not capture the process which was amazing. I think that is where I am going to focus my blog( that is if I get motivated) I want good hard discussions around childcare and what teachers are doing to advocate for children, projects teachers are doing and to celebrate! We will see how it goes.
I also have this very funny 3 year old granddaughter. She has done some funny things, like all children and keep dreaming of writing a picture book about her adventures. When I dream the words and pics just flow from me and as soon as I sit to write they all disappear. Toying with the idea to tell the stories to my son and have him write them down. I am a better vocal storyteller than written.
Last but not least, I have seemed to have a break in my hip. 3 months ago I thought I pulled a muscle in my back and figured it would go away, the pain just continued and was unable to sleep at night. Then the pain centered in my knee and was unbearable so I finally went to the Dr. He was sure it was my hip and I had arthritis. One xray later no sign of arthritis but he was not convinced. We treated it like it was arthritis so I continued to walk and swim. Low and behold it seems I have a crack in my hip bone. Everyone is baffled. I have not fallen. This crack happens when you fall very hard and to the side, most people can not even walk with the brake. Hmmm I am baffled too. Now I am off the leg, no swimming, just sitting. They are going to run one more test next week to determine exactly what is going on. So until then I am layed up.
What a glorious end to the summer, I think camping will be out for a while as well. That makes me the saddess. Hoping end of Sept and first of Oct we will be back on the road again.