Here we are in the new year and it will be a strange one at that. I have decided I must enjoy living in the stress. The decisions I make seem to add more and not decrease them. I had a great holiday with little fan fare. My family got snowed in, at least they were at my house, and so Christmas went on as scheduled. There was laughter and quiet and cuddles. There was the first sled ride of my granddaughter and my first in a long time. Snowball fights and challenges on the wii. There was remembering a grandfather and a dad. Sweet memories in the midst of grief. There was tea and hot cocoa shared on web cam with my daughter and grandson. Thank goodness for technology! It was a wonderful visit. They were suppose to be here for the holidays, price of tickets and a miscarriage kept us apart. We celebrated the baby who is on the way any day now and we grieved the baby we will never know. We stomped in the snow, laughed at it, enjoyed it and cursed it. In the end it was the the Christmas I could never had planned for.I will keep it close as I make my way through the coming months with turning 52, my dads death, changes at work, remodeling my home, setting my own boundaries and nurturing my marriage, friendships, building my business, keeping myself healthy and all the challenges and celebrations that keeps us living.
To all my friends: thank you for being there
To all my etsy friends, here is to a great new year!
To you who I have yet to meet, I can not wait.
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